Since 2011, I worked in several environments: agency, consultancy, startup and big company.
Each work experience allowed me to learn from great experts of the design field and beyond.
The best skill I learned, though, is how to adapt and shape the design methodology, in order to meet different and specific needs.
Poste italiane, roma
February 2017 ➔ today
UX / Service Design lead
I design how people approach and get to use digital and physical services.
I help define strategic scenarios, putting in relation both business needs and technology feasibility.
As a designer, I am (and always will be) the users’ advocate. My main concern is to put people at the center of my design.
Being part of a complex organization, I have the opportunity to define the priority of innovation in service and user experience. To make it possibile, I involve every stakeholder by conducting workshops and promoting moments for alignment.
I encourage co-design as the key activity to reach real innovation or improvement in the experience for people, also according to business objectives and technical capabilities.
As everyday activity, I craft:
- Personas
- Customery and User Journey Maps
- Experience Maps
- Service Blueprints
- Wireflows
- PREtotypes (inspiration from Alberto Savoia)

In order to involve the final users as early as possibile, I lead the definition of objectives and parameters for design research activities about either innovative or ongoing projects.
I also lead co-creation workshops with stakeholders, in order to promote horizontal thinking across the company.
I use personas and journey or experience maps to create alignment among departments. This helps everyone to focus their commitment on the evolution of the user and workforce experience.
My mentor
Salvatore Larosa
I’ve learned from Salvatore how to see things from different angles, shifting through eXperience Design, Service Design and Business Design. I also learned from him the importance of a strategic approach, of learning continuously and of getting out of the comfort zone.

Avanade, milano
October 2014 ➔ january 2017
Experience Designer
For the first time, I joined an already established eXperience Design team, composed by experts in several disciplines connected to design.
I dealt with the initial setup for new projects and then I led the discover phase, the problem definition and the design of the concept for addressing the users’ needs.
I planned and led:
- stakeholder workshops
- user interviews
- ethnographic / contextual observations

Once I defined the scope and a strategy or a concept, I took care of:
- Personas
- Experience maps
- Customer / user journey maps
- Information architecture definition
- Low-fi & med-fi design
- Qualitative user tests, with NN/group or Guerrilla methodology.
I also dedicated myself to the knowledge sharing.
As part of the company design studio, I made a speech at World Usability Day Milan and mentored the first two UX Master of TAG Innovation School.

La mia mentor
Francesca Tassistro
With Francesca I had the opportunity to refine my methodology and I learned how to communicate it. I also learned from her how to be a good leader, since she always put other team members at the center and helped them to grow professionally., milano
February 2014 ➔ September 2014
UX & Interaction Designer
I was the first eXperience Design expert in the company.
I put the basis of the competence that later became a core offering of the agency portfolio.
I introduced many design-focused deliverables like customer journey maps and experience map, as well as the practice of testing the usability of wireframes with final users.

I learned how to work with an Agile approach (SCRUM and Kanban) on a digital product backlog.
Besides, I promoted the eXperience Design offering by joining specialized events on behalf of the agency.
I made two speeches about the value of the user-centered approach, also in terms of business revenue.
My mentor
Marco D’Amico
Marco taught me the value of leadership, of continuous education and attention to details. Thanks to him, I discovered Service Design.

mind agency, milano
aprile 2011 ➔ febbraio 2014
Usability & UX Expert
I managed a usability lab, building up my expertise in qualitative user testing.
I planned user studies and panel requirements. I moderated dozens of user tests
I analyzed the results in order to give indications to improve the usability of user interaction, reporting to business stakeholders and the internal creative or development team.
I used the NN/group methodology, with the Thinking-Aloud protocol.
I moderated user test for the evaluation of:
- Websites (retail, homebanking)
- App
- Wireframes
- Paper prototypes
- Information Architetures using open and closed.

I designed wireframes and prototypes for sharing evidences and ideas to stakeholders. In order to be more solid, I tested them again with users.
Then, I introduced design focused deliverables: customer journey, user scenarios and personas, in order to round up the UX offering of the agency.
My mentors
Simone Silvestroni
Simone taught me the basis of usability and HTML / CSS but, above all, the importance of design practical and feasible ideas.
Mattia Bassani
I learned from Mattia how to be creative in a structured way. Mattia also taught me the importance of working in a happy mood.